At the present time her Majesty's gunboat Paluma is aground in the Botanic Gardens.
A Courier reporter had a conversation with Captain Pirie on Monday morning in the Colonial Secretary's office, whither the commander had gone to report the mishap. It appeas that the Paluma, which is almost a twin sister of the Gayundah, was helped to the Garden Reach on Saturday night by a steam tug, as was made secure by cable hawsers to the shore. Early on Sunday morning danger became imminent, and the Paluma was one of the first to be affected.
After the cables gave way she drifted some distance, but was able to bring up alongside of the Elamang lower down. In that position she remained for an hour or so, but presently she went right on to the Gardens, where she now remains. It is estimated that at the time the calamity took place the river was running at the rate of ten knots an hour.
Every effort was made to get the boat off, but without avail. The tug-boat Seahorse stood alongside for a considerable time, and tried to tow her into deep water, but was impossible to do so. At the time the Paluma was undergoing repairs, and all the tubes were out of her boilers. In consequence of this is was impossible to get steam up at all, and all that could be done for the vessel was to navigate her as skilfully as possible. That the vessel has sustained no more damage than a few bent stanchions speak volumes for Captain Pirie's seamanship.
The Paluma, it may be added, is a twin screw iron colonial gunboat of 360 tons, and has been temporarily lent by the Queensland Government as tender to H.M.S. Orlando, the flagship on the Australian station, for employment in the survey of the Queensland coast.
Source: The Queenslander Sat 11 Feb 1893