Dear colleagues,
Hope all of you and your families are keeping safe and healthy. The news coming out these days is quite positive and as long as we continue to do the right thing individually, it can only get better. That being said, between painting of the house and weeding the garden, do you have time to sit down and put pen to paper? Or, in these days, put fingers to keyboard?
Attached is a letter from OSSA that seeks to do what we in the Branch Court have been considering for some time – to collect and publish interesting anecdotes, experiences and biographies from our members. Hopefully we will get a wide assortment of stories with which to bring something very worthwhile together. We felt that it was an appropriate time to do this whilst still in restrictions and to take peoples mind off virus matter sand to remember the good times! Thanks to Ross Brewer for kicking off this initiative.
To contribute your story please email to:
; and
Kind regards, Francis
Francis Castellino | Senior Investigator Transport Safety
Office of Chief Investigator Transport Safety
Level 5, 1 Spring Street, Melbourne VIC 3000.
PO Box 2392, Melbourne VIC 3001.
T: (03) 8392 6376 | M: 0400 118 313 | DX: 210292 | E:
27th April 2020
OSSA is after your story!
First we hope that everyone is doing as well as they can through these horrible times. In order to stop isolation boredom really setting in OSSA would like you to help us build a picture of what people recall about their time either in the Australian maritime industry or what may have drawn you to it.
We would like you to give us two pages of your story. Now this can either be some major event or several events, it may be what drew you to it in the first place, it could be how you simply loved being at sea or in an office dealing with manifests/crew/supplies etc. It may have been that you saw a ship and wondered all about it and that image has stayed with you. What did you think when you did your first rigs shift on an anchor handler, you may have been on an early Antarctic voyage or at the forefront of the new (then) container industry. There are so many areas we need to include. Whatever it is and your part in it we would love to hear about it. Dates associated with the story and any photos (clearly identified) would be great.
We are hoping to bring together a collection of these stories that will provide a snapshot of the last decades that will add to the fabric of our maritime heritage. We will also be after your approval to use these stories and photos for public presentation. Our hope is to eventually publish these stories in some manner and also to use in our exhibitions.
So much has transpired since the middle of the last century it would be a crying shame not to collect these stories to add colour to some of the wonderful value ships and seafarers have given to Australia.
So please help us out. To contribute your story please email to:
As a fitting thank you for your contribution you will be awarded the very sought after OSSA lapel pin!
Thank you for assisting
Ross Brewer