Good Day Members
On April 4th 2020 the Federal Court held its Annual General Meeting (AGM). It was planned to be held in Melbourne at the Seamans Centre however due to the restrictions imposed dsue to the COVID-19 outbreak then the meeting was held as a teleconference. All members of the Federal Court were in attendance.
The Federal Court for 2020 will include:
Federal Master - Capt. Ted Van Bronswijk
Federal Secretary - Capt. Stuart Davey
Federal Treasurer - Capt. Francis Castellino
Federal Registrar - Capt. Dick Whittington
Webmaster - Capt. Mike Tyler
Librarian - Capt. Ian Steverson
Queensland Branch Master - Capt. Kasper Kuiper
Sydney Branch Master - Capt. Ted Van Bronswijk
Melbourne Branch Master - Capt. Ian French
South Australia Branch Master - Capt. Bob Westley
Western Australia Branch Master - Capt. Zunin Bhada
Please see the minutes and financial attachments included in Minutes in Member's only section.
Please note that in 2020 we will be attempting to relaunch the MASTER MARINER magazine. Mr Mark Beal, member of the Western Australian Branch, has taken on the responsibility and will attempt to get an edition out to all members in the third quarter of 2020. We will only be successful in producing a quality magazine if we are able to get support and assistance from our members. Mark Beal will be looking for members who can assist in supplying content for the publications. Therefore I am asking any members, from any branch, who would be willing to send content or assist in sourcing content, to email me as soon as possible and I will share your contacts with Mark Beal. He will then contact the individuals and set up the most appropriate arrangements.