I am currently representing shipping and ports on the MARITIME IRC committee as part of the Australian Industry Standards (AIS). As part of this committee we review and give input to the training packages and courses offered for all levels of the maritime industry in Australia.
It is important that the group gets input from industry and persons invested in the business as without this input, it is likely that training provided will be irrelevant or unnecessary or will not be fit for purpose. This is our chance to have an input into the courses and content offered through Australian TAFE and other colleges.
I am tasked to circulate to a wide section of the industry and as such though I would circulate to the entire COMMA membership for your input.
Following the submission and approval of the Business Case for the Review and Development of the MAR Maritime Training Package, the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) has commissioned the following project.
The Maritime Industry Reference Committee (IRC) will have oversight of this project which will be facilitated by Australian Industry Standards in consultation with industry stakeholders. The project will incorporate the Australian Maritime Safety Authority’s (AMSA) certification requirements into the qualifications, Skill Sets and Units of Competency.
This project has three stages:
Phase One will update six near coastal qualifications and 35 associated Units of Competency.
Phase Two will update the five remaining near coastal qualifications and 66 associated Units of Competency.
Phase Three will update 13 blue water (ocean going) qualifications, 16 Skill Sets and 87 associated Units of Competency.
The Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) commissioned the review of the MAR Maritime Training Package with the objective to incorporate the Australian Maritime Safety Authority’s (AMSA) certification requirements and strengthen assessment requirements.
Phase One was completed and involved the review of the below qualifications (Near Coastal):
· Marine Engine Driver Grade 2
· Coxswain Grade 2
· Coxswain Grade 1
· Marine Engine Driver Grade 3
· Master up to 24 metres
· Master Inland Waters.
Phase Two Qualifications have been incorporated into Phase Three. This has enabled the diploma qualifications in Phase Two to be incorporated into a streamed Diploma to reduce duplication, creating a simple pathway for AMSA certification.
To reduce duplication many of the engineering and Master qualifications have been combined, again providing a simple pathway for certification. The project will assist seafarers to meet AMSA certification requirements and prepare them for the final AMSA assessment. AMSA will issue the seafarer with a Certificate of Competency in line with the IMO model courses.
AMSA requirements, Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), and International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Model course have been incorporated into qualifications, Skill Sets and Units of Competency where appropriate.
The intended completion date of this project was October 2019. It is now March 2020. This is to allow for expected changes to qualifications and units impacted by the proposed Marine Order 505 review.
Phase Three now involves the review and development of the following:
Engineering Operations
Deck Operations
Leadership Skills
Skill Sets
For more information please see below:
Feedback can be left at the following web address:
If you would like to register for updates from the MARITIME IRC then please use the following link:
Capt. Stuart Davey
Federal Secretary